Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Read This Blog

The Premise of this blog is to write game reviews from a normal Gamer that loves videos games. Too often I have found that game websites write reviews from a skewed perspective. Sometimes its because of the time limit the reviewers are given for the actual gameplay and other times it seems that reviewers may have a hard time seeing the value of a game from the "layman's" perspective, considering they don't have to pay for the games the review. I like video games. I like playing them. I don't like spending $60 on game only to find out it is six hours long or that it is a game made up of three game elements played out over and over again. Driving me so crazy with its repetitive nature it makes me want to cut open my head and punch my brain for allowing the purchase. I like my brain (well, at very least my brain and I have a standing agreement) so I try and avoid this.

I will not assign letter grades or give numerical values to games. I find that while they can be accurate it is better to present my opinions through value. A game I would pay full price for is a great game. Paying full price for a game means I am sacrificing purchasing other games for this game because I am willing to spend to so much for it. This is the best way I have been able to convey the quality and "must have"ness of a game. So I start by assuming all games are worth full price and then chip away at them revealing the flaws I see until all that is left is the real value and price I would pay.

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